Preparing Guest Room for Tourists in Sidetapa Village, Buleleng, Bali

07 Agustus 2024 13:22:50 WITA

The availability of clean rooms accompanied by adequate equipment is a necessity for every tourist destination, including in tourist villages. Understanding the needs of tourists for the availability of these rooms, in the partner village assistance program, two unused rooms are assisted for the repair process and the preparation of all the equipment. The selection of rooms that are prepared to be guest rooms for tourists is based on their contribution to the community, namely the bamboo craft centre which has a major contribution to the empowerment of craft women groups and the foreign language learning centre that provides free training with the concept of caring for the environment to school children. The two places are also tourist destinations. Most tourists have the motivation of studying local culture and as volunteer, namely teaching foreign languages while traveling. It is hoped that the presence of two rooms in the two centres can contribute economically to the sustainability of the management of the tourist village.


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