Menjaga Keberlanjutan Produk Lokal dan Keuangan Keluarga: Peran Perempuan sebagai Penganyam Bambu di

07 Agustus 2024 13:51:06 WITA

Maintaining the Sustainability of Local Products and Family Finance:
The Role of Women as Bamboo Weavers in Sidetapa Village Buleleng
North Bali
This study aims to describe the role of women bamboo weavers in maintaining
the sustainability of family finance and local products of Sidetapa, an old
village of Buleleng District, North Bali. Data collected through observation
and interviews and analyzed by employing a critical qualitative method using
a cultural studies approach. The study revealed that the majority of bamboo
craftsmen in Sidetapa Village were women who played their traditional and
transitional roles well. Through their work as bamboo weavers, women have
been enabling themselves to generate income to help the needs of their family.
In maintaining the existence of bamboo-based local products of Sidetapa
Village, the women weavers always try to be adaptive to market demand.
They also actively engage in training programs provided by external parties
with the aim of knowing market developments and improving product
quality. The article contributes to our understanding of the double roles of
women in handling domestic work and getting income to support domestic


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Dokumen Lampiran : Menjaga Keberlanjutan Produk Lokal dan Keuangan Keluarga: Peran Perempuan sebagai Penganyam Bambu di Desa Sidetapa Buleleng Bali Utara

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